The Mysterious Pilgrim

This image is the title page of the chapbook. There something handwritten at the top, but it is not decipherable. The full title of The Mysterious Pilgrim story is written first, followed by a quote from William Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona. This portion takes up two thirds of the page, and is followed by the title of The Hibernian Mendicant story. At the bottom of the page, the publishers’ information is listed.

The Mysterious Pilgrim: Or, Fatal Duplicity. An Italian Romance … To Which Is Added, the Hibernian Mendicant. A Tale Author: Unknown (The […]

The Royal and Noble Lovers

The Royal and Noble Lovers: Or, the History of the Great Earl of Essex and Queen Elizabeth Author: UnknownPublisher: Ann Lemoine and […]

Arthur and Mary

Author: John Corry; Publication: 1803

A tale of adventure, romance, and friendship, this chapbook follows a protagonist’s escape from political persecution, and later follows the story of distant lovers.


Author: Mary Shelley; Publication: 1837

In this three-volume novel, set in multiple countries across Europe, Mary Shelley grapples with one man’s guilt and his attempt to resolve it by adopting a young orphan girl.