Misprints and Idiosyncrasies The Adventures of Mary Jane Meadows The Adventures of Mary Jane Meadows The Affecting History of Caroline Angelina The Castle Spectre; or, Family Horrors The Champion of Virtue The Comet The Commodore’s Daughter Don Algonah Feudal Days The Fiery Castle Fisher’s Cheerful Companion Fisher’s Cheerful Companion The Haunted Castle The Horrors of the Secluded Castle The Last Man, A Romance in Futurity Manfredi; or, The Mysterious Hermit Manfredi; or, The Mysterious Hermit Oswick, The Bold Outlaw The Royal and Noble Lovers The School for Friends The School for Friends The Skeleton Ghost and No Ghost Somerset Castle Spectre of the Turret Tales of the Passions: Jealousy Tales of the Passions: Jealousy The Three Ghosts of the Forest The Three Ghosts of the Forest The Witch of Ravensworth Wolfstein Wolfstein